“Ontwaking Samadhi” Workshop

“Ontwaking Samadhi” Workshop

“Gereedskap & Aktivering vir Bemagtiging & Ontwaking”

sleutels van lig

A Tool-Kit to navigate our daily lives and the flow of Kundalini and Self-Realization

This weekend workshop will be a deep immersive into sharing and experiencing esoteric techniques, philosophy & wisdom based on skills we can each use to shorten the distance between ourselves and our internal bliss nature.

A practical workshop where you will learn various techniques (some never shared before until this time) based on expanding your human body to its highest frequency and how to maintain that frequency in our daily life with all its ups and downs.


The “Tools” we will Explore Together:

The Merkaba

A full Step by Step Guided Two-day emersion into the Merkaba (KA Light Body Vehicle). This original technique was personally Channelled by Zoriaan in Rajasthan, India in 2003 and this will be the first time it has been taught to a group publicly.

Meditasie & Pranayama

The sharing of various powerful Meditation and Pranayma techniques that you will be taught and guided to perform. Meditations for expanding consciousness, for grounding energy and for clearing the energetic subtle body. Various techniques shared will be meditations personally Channelled by Zoriaan.

Health & Nutrition

A discourse on the uses and benefits of Super-foods, Raw foods, Monatomic Elements (Ormus), Live foods & probiotics to assist our vibration energy bodies. Benefits of exercise, yoga and movement for life-force flow.

Shamanic Plant Medicines

A talk on the power and potent benefits of our plants Allies in the shamanic realms and their uses and benefits to us in the western world. The main focus will be on Ayahuasca/Chachruna, Huachuma (San Pedro Cactus) & Psilocybin Mushrooms.

We will discuss as a group their uses for healing, ritual, divination, internal life guidance and self-realization.


Various mediations and pranyamas will be based around the focus of Kundalini within the body. We will discuss this primal life-force and how it can benefit our lives and how it works with each topic discussed being, mediation, nutrition, shamanic medicines & creativity/expression.


How we express and integrate “divine” experiences and how our connection to Samadhi or bliss/omnipresent stillness can be integrated into our offerings to life and the world around us.

Self love, Trust, manifestation and Psychic Intuition

Building self-love through alignment to acceptance and building trust and opening the 3d eye & Heart centres to become our own teachers by aligning to our higher/god selves. With compassion, self-love and trust.

The Aim

The aim is to expand out from “moments” of divine states & self-realization and learn various practical techniques and life-style approaches to align us with “Samadhi” or “Bliss” our Divine State. And how to integrate that into our lives not just in our Sadhana but in our day-to-day living. Merging the multi-dimensional with the NOW and building a relationship with Kundalini & Self-love and trust.

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The purpose of this workshop is:

  • The outcome of this workshop is to awaken the light within you, in that we are all equal and on the same path & to assist in bringing us all together into a place when we know ourselves even more and can learn from the wisdom and light within ourselves that is connected to every living thing in creation. And to bring that light forward through simple techniques of breath and energy body awareness that you can practice to raise your frequency at any time to:
  • Heighten awareness
  • Heal yourself, brake patterns within & empower new beginning
  • To heal others & assist planetary shift
  • Feel energetically lighter and less “weighed down”
  • Clear our energy bodies & outdated karmic ties
  • To manifest dreams and goals at an accelerated rate
  • Enhance intuitive action
  • Clear clouded or confused thought
  • Quickly increase the energy levels within yourself
  • Be aligned in a remembrance of your life path
  • Intuitive remembrance of your own tools & gifts to use along the way

keys of light - workshop

Contact us here for more info & enquires next upcoming workshop:

